White Dome Preserve

Welcome to White Dome Genealogy

Note we are under construction and so everything is not fully fleshed out.

Finding an ancestor

In the mid 1970's a young teenager went to the local genealogical society. His goal was to find his grandfather's birth record. In a somewhat twisted piece of fate, that local society had an almost complete set of Oslo Norway parish records. Later that day he had success.

Right there at the top of the page, number 26

Thomas William Ross.

Oslo parish record

Rikshospitalet Parish (Oslo), Kirkebøker, 1890-1893, “Fødte og døpte,” p. 116 (stamped), entry 26, Thomas William Ross Gravrak baptism 24 January 1892; consulted at Digitalarkivet, DPR ( https://media.digitalarkivet.no/view/5429/123 ), image 123 of 291; citing SAO/A-10309b/F/L0008. Digital index https://www.digitalarkivet.no/en/view/255/pd00000024361678 .

What a buzz, I've never forgotten that feeling. Now so many years later, the same rush and thrill happens when I locate another relative. The goal of White Dome is to enable others to have that same feeling of discovering another ancestor.

Our services

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A list of publications for both family and clients

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Level Up

For each ancestor, going beyond the basics of birth, marriage, and death, attempting to create a more complete portrait of who the ancestor was.

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Working on DNA