About us - Personal

Who are you?

The Fam

David and Sherrill were high school sweethearts. The left photo is at Disney Grad Night. We were lucky and got to go twice, once for David's graduation and the next year for Sherrill's graduation. Not sure if the photo is from the first or second year (note for future genealogists, WRITE THE DATE on a photo, you will forget the exact date over time.) I think my future wife rocked that pant suit. Quick advice for anyone attending Grad Night, about 3:30 or 4 it gets hard to stay awake, the Enchanted Tiki Room is not the place to sit down. But do ride Storybook Land, you may get a Grad Night only spiel.

So soon after that Disney picture we took our wedding photograph. I know the date, just not putting it out there for everyone. We were married in the Los Angeles Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. Just short of the three year anniversary of our first date. Reception held at, well from the wedding photo, many can guess, IFKYK. It's been an amazing ride since then.

Personally, I think I rocked bowties. And the stach was pretty epic. I kept that around for 25 years or so. The kids were absolutely shocked when I shaved it off.

Along with raising the kids, we've been able to travel some. The left picture is us at the Polynesian Cultural Center on a VERY wet day. We did get a bit wet but it was still a blast. Retirement has made for a few more trips. This right one is us in Cabo San Lucas and swimming with the dolphins. It was January, the wet suits sorta fit, we did get cold. The dolphins were so much fun to swim with, I'll always remember that trip.
If you counted up above you counted 6 boys and 1 girl. They have all been wonderful blessings. Yes, they been pains at time, but then so were we to our parents. In the picture it's supposed to be a serious look, there's always one who doesn't follow directions.