
List of publications with options to view, cite, at this site. When available also view at FamilySearch.

Published books: reports published through Kindle or other means.
 Herman Levi de Vries A Lost Family view cite

Case studies: reports attempting to resolve a single question.
 Is Mari Jonsdatter Mari Søberg view cite

Descendancy: simplified tracking of an ancestors descendants. Useful for DNA validation.
 Unpublished as of yet

DNA: report to resolve a DNA question.
 DNA Martha Colony Lynn view cite

Level Up: report that provides details, jobs, locations, ... for an individual.
 John Henry Ellery Davis view cite
 John Martinus Grawrock view cite
 Otto Brauner view cite

Journals: articles published in a journal.
 None published yet

Technical: sampling of my computer security articles and books.
 Trusted Computing Initative purchase
 Dynamics of a Trusted Platform purchase
 Future of Trust in Computing purchase
 ISO/IEC 27034-7 purchase