Focus Areas

Areas include
Norway, Northeast and Southwest England,
Colonial US, Southern US, Germany,
and The Netherlands.

How it all started

In the 1970's, a young teenager treked to the local genealogical society. The goal was to find his grandfather's birth. In a somewhat twisted piece of fate, the society had an almost complete set of Oslo Norway microfilms. After some interesting lessons, this is what I found:

That moment filled me with almost indescribable emotions: joy, elation, relief, and a new found desire to find more relatives.

The goal of White Dome is for others to share in those emotions

Either through learning to research themselves or having White Dome do the research


 completed research, either self published or in book form. Also links to security research.


 curent subjects, along with areas that we are always looking at.


Classes that I teach or have taught along with a schedule of when I teach next.

Level Up

 description of the level up process along with a scorecard of how we are doing.


 us, who we are, and what we've done in the past.


 stories and information for the grandkids.


 us for more information.